so long since i last blog! (: alright will try not to be so lazy to turn on e com...
recently went on a hols with family to a beautiful land named TAIWAN! Pee told me just the day be4 my trip that i will expect a boring trip, well, it didnt! haha.. though much time was spent on travelling but for me, being first time in Taiwan, is worth it!
1st day:
we reached Tao Yuan Airport(Taipei) @ abt 7+pm. the weather was so COLD! 12degrees!
after being received by the tour guide(eric), we headed to ShiLin night market. I was looking forward to it, especially since they brought it over to Singapore. It's layout is like a market(wet market) with many little stalls abd many games stall. btw, FYI, Taiwan has alot of games stalls, common games played - Jia Gong Zai (those machine u insert coins to try and catch small litlle dolls etc!) and basketball (throwing balls into e net). Initially thot it was quite silly why it is so common, well, after that towards e end of my trip, i got addicted!!! haha, my cousins and bro spent practically all time at the machines during all night market. Eric passed this "virus" in them! He brought them to e shop and showed them how he managed to catch 20 over! (imagine, with a coin inserted, u can catch up to 4??? not in Singapore!)
First night stayed was at Hao Jing Hotel (Taipei) – Hotel Riverview
2nd day:
We came to Taipei Xian and visited Zhong Zheng Ji Nian Tang. it was built to remember Chiang Kai-Shek. In it exhibited everything abt him and Song Mei-Ling(the woman who stir up an equility among men and women). It was really exciting to hear abt it - provided u like to listen to history. (: Next stop, we came to Taipei 101. It is a big shopping centre that u can lost yourself in it! it is 508m tall, and hold the record of the world's tallest building! We had a chance to take the lift up to the highest floor within 44s! it is sort of a viewing gallery, seeing Taiwan in a bird's eye view. the scenary is beautiful. The building has alot of departmental stores, like Gucci, Giodano etc. We got ourselves lost after going to Page 1 (bookshop).
after lunch we head down to Dan Shui - Yeh Liu. on the journey there, we travelling along Pacific Ocean! the waves is very strong that it is too dangerous to swim. Coming to Dan Shui, revealed the beauty of mountaineous and sea view of Taiwan. we reached Yeh Liu by 5pm (the latest time that Eric wanted us to reach if not it will be cancelled!). It is a view not to be missed! We came close to Pacific Ocean to experience the beautiful waves and natural scene created. know why we must reached by 5pm? in Taiwan, the sky starts to darken @ abt 530pm, so if we go after 5pm, it will be too dark. Walking on the rocks and all will be very dangerous. Thank God we made it on time and managed to catch e view!
stayed @ HaLa Hotel - coming to Taiwan, must try the hotsprings! especially in the cold weather. In this hotel, they have a public and indoor hotspring aka in the individual hotel room.
3rd day:
we headed down to Jiu Fen.
Went to shop @ this shop called "Ah Shin de Dian". from the shop, we bought alot of tibits stuff like Muachi and Tai Yang bing and some mango pudding. If in future u have the chance to visit Jiu Fen, should settle most sovenirs here! haha, we bought some, thinking will still be able to get them later, but we cant! Next we proceed to RueiFang Station to catch a train to Hualian. Instead of alighting at hualian station, we alighted @ HePing station, due to itinery. the train ride was 2 hrs long neh! if we take bus, it will be 6 hrs!!! -_-'''
Visited Chang Chun Ciao, Dong Xi Heng Duan Gong Lu and more mountainous scenery! next we came to DaLiShi, a factory that deals with stones, jade and all. Bought a necklace at S$45! Then we went to watch YuanZuMing performance, there are alot of different erm tribes i think under YuanZuMing, we went to watch the Ah Mei tribe performing. not sure if the singer Ah mei came from here, but she is definitely from one of it ah! YuanZuMing's "hello" is "Naluwan!" (: the performance is quite so-so i guess, not much energy and the steps are simple. my sis, cousin and I were sitting in front to catch a nice view, but I was dragged to dance with them, to perform a wedding dance! heh.. next was dinner, dinner was alright, uncle said that is my wedding dinner! -_-'''
*Celece – u can take a train up to Hua Lian, journey also abt 2 hrs plus ah.. (: but not sure wad bus goes to tain station.. sorry.. (:
Stayed at MeiLun Hotel (Parkview Hotel) – SHIOK! The best ever stayed! Nice view and great facilities! That night also had a great night, suddenly all became hyper/high and start to make a din in my room! Haha, felt like some party going on..
4th day:
Visited the LingZhi Factory, however was too expensive! So mom didn’t get any. Guess e whole grp of us didn’t get any at all.
Begin our 8 hrs journey to KaohSiung… departed abt 10 plus. However, thank God that it only took us 6 hrs! instead of predicted 8hrs! reached abt 5 plus..
Came to Dragon and Tiger Pagodas, nothing much except for the two tall temple structure. Climbed up to the 6th storey and then down. One funny thing abt the temple is that all movements flow in one direction, u doesn’t walk back the path u came from to get out. (: u enter from the dragon and out from the temple. Temple in Taiwan is enter by most right and out by most left!
Next we came to Aihe (love river), we took a boat ride to visit some night scenery, is hard to capture onto cam. Anyway, there aint much stuff to see too, except for how the love bridge came abt. Realized Taiwanese love to offer cold jokes. The tour guide for the boat ride told us a joke that no one laughed! Think no one realized it was a joke la! -_-‘’’
The best part of the day came – LiuHe night market! (: another shopping spree! This night market consist of food and more food! (: Taiwan night market really serves much nicer XiaoChi (delicacy) compared to Singapore. Tonight is also the 4th night, my sis and some of us had our Zhen Zhu Nei Cha(Pearl Milk Tea). Some differences are that, here the pearls are really QQ and cant chew those hard hard stuff u eat in Singapore. And they are not stingy with their pearls!!! (: the milk tea is really nice too! Ever since I m back, haven bought any of the bubble tea yet for the Taiwan’s bubble tea is still in my taste bud! (: in the night market, we also spotted a lot of JiaGongZai like I said earlier. Again, bro and cousins caught a lot! Saved $ on souvenirs! (:
Stayed at Hua Guo Hotel (Hotel Holiday Garden).
5th day:
On the way to Tai zhong…
Visited the Pearl Factory and got aunt a ring.. at S$50.. here u can get the ZhenZhuFen and some pearly necklace.. the price is alright I guess.. anyway originally the ring was selling at S$90! So me and mom managed to bargain to that price. mom also bought ZhenZhuFen worth like S$200 plus la!
This day began our journey with Fo Guang Shan (temple). This temple is really huge! Cover a large area – maybe due to it holding a school – for nuns and monks. It also has a lot of statues of Buddha ard..
Then came to Ri Yue Tan (Sea Moon Lake), didn’t manage to climb up the tall tower due to time constrain, only catch a glimpse of it.. then enter the temple and saw a weapon used by one of the ancient warrior. Didn’t stay too long here.. we left with eric bought tea leaves egg for the children.. I didn’t get, not that I m old! But is I dun eat tat! (:
Next headed to Feng Chia night market. This night market is bigger than the Liu He night market..but Taiwan is very cold hence not much clothes suitable… then we had a night stayed at Plaza International Hotel.
6th day:
Headed back to Taipei…
Visited a farm(Tai San Xiu Xian Nong Zhang) and pluck our very own fruits – tomatoes, capsicums… they also have passion fruits and other vegetables but is not available due to not yet ripe.
After lunch, we headed to Zhong Lie Chi to catch the soldiers from the Sea(Army) to watch their performance.. they are not exactlty performing.. just doing their normal routine.. however, it seems like it became a tourist attraction cos they did it so smartly and all.. (: there were markings on the floor due to the metal pieces under the boots of the soldiers and marching on the same path for over 30 yrs!
Then next we came to Gu Gong Bo Wu Yuan (Museum) , here display a lot of ancient antics of the ancient China.. it is currently under upgrading and all, hence wad we saw is not complete… cant take photo so u wont be able to see anything…
Our last night of shopping was done at Xi Meng Ding. It is quite a big area, has abt 8 streets altogether. The shops will start to pack up and all will close by 12 am. We had a great night, shopping, eating and of cos playing Jia Gong Zai again… (:
Last night stayed was same as 1st night – Hao Jing Hotel (Hotel Riverview)
7th day:
woke up as early as 5am to catch our flight scheduled at 9am! wow... had to pack breakfast and eat on the journey to Tao Yuan Airport... the sky here brightens as early as 6am! i really meant bright... yeah... reached Singapore abt 2pm! Home sweet Home...
Alright… end of summary… to some, the trip may seen very taxing due to traveling and all.. I do enjoyed myself on this trip, at least I caught a glance of the whole Taiwan and can pick the county that I will want to go back again! (: still missing Taiwan now.. haha.. photos up soon k… (:
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
just got back from KYa retreat!
it was really great! haha..
led worship on the first night with ZiBin as guitarist... very thankful though we only went through once.. and my blunder in forgetting to print lyrics!! well.. thank God for Jian Shin to do that.. phew... i think to me personally i felt great.. for nv have i receive such an impact in GB.. haha.. :) very fun!
had an Extended time with jieying instead of ETWG(extended time with God) haha.. mainly cos when i was back, everyone in playing mood le.. so took a walk with her near the yatch... very happy to be able to help her with her daily readings(i think).. anyway hope i really helped her to understand better.. haha...
felt more refreshed after this retreat.. was every different from those i went in gb.. maybe cos this is really a more ETWG session... and it was really great.. reminded me of when i had ETWG myself at pasir ris beach on my bdae this yr! :)
going to this retreat i missed supper with 02S21 on fri night... well.. so much that i wan to join them and being in the retreat... anyway supper can have it any night but not a retreat at SAF Yatch Club la.. hee.. i m still looking forward to the night cycling la!:)
alright.. overall.. this weekend was a great one!
it was really great! haha..
led worship on the first night with ZiBin as guitarist... very thankful though we only went through once.. and my blunder in forgetting to print lyrics!! well.. thank God for Jian Shin to do that.. phew... i think to me personally i felt great.. for nv have i receive such an impact in GB.. haha.. :) very fun!
had an Extended time with jieying instead of ETWG(extended time with God) haha.. mainly cos when i was back, everyone in playing mood le.. so took a walk with her near the yatch... very happy to be able to help her with her daily readings(i think).. anyway hope i really helped her to understand better.. haha...
felt more refreshed after this retreat.. was every different from those i went in gb.. maybe cos this is really a more ETWG session... and it was really great.. reminded me of when i had ETWG myself at pasir ris beach on my bdae this yr! :)
going to this retreat i missed supper with 02S21 on fri night... well.. so much that i wan to join them and being in the retreat... anyway supper can have it any night but not a retreat at SAF Yatch Club la.. hee.. i m still looking forward to the night cycling la!:)
alright.. overall.. this weekend was a great one!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Monday, September 25, 2006
my last post was like 31 july!!! gosh... such a long break like taking a sabbatical leave.. haha...
alright actually dun really intend to cont posting for really feel quite bored by it... well.. after attending the mgs by mrs koh last last sat i suppose, was inspire by what she shared! wow... mrs koh if u see this post, thanks for that inspiration, since u like blog hopping... :)
this few months had been a hectic ones for me.. assignment due dates, mid term tests.. it was rather stressful that guess a little bit more i will be overhelmed by it and broke down.. too stressful... glad all is over soon!! :) yeah! thank God for journeying with me.. i knew it!
this few months also had been spending time with my 02S21 classmates.. remember those times in tpjc, was so memorable! really glad to be hanging out with them again... it was all these gathering that really made me realised to cherish ppl ard u.. just like how i reminise the JC times, it was over.. but glad the class spirit is still standing strong.. felt much "bond-er" among us.. really thanks those who came to make this possible.. also must thank Tay for the effort in organising though i think got ulterior motives too! haha.. last meeting i proposed a night cycling.. and the response was soooo good! was rather afraid they will say no.. think our spirits towards sports is still there!!! :) hope it come soon! :)
going to YA retreat over this weekend, was approached to lead worship... hmmm nv done it in church before! anyway zibin only gave me 3 choices - 1) lead worship, 2) play guitar, 3) lead worship and play guitar... hmmm wad a funny choice la.. so i chose 1... keep me in prayers ya.. esp wisdom to chose the songs and a good vocal condition to sing! :) will be at SAF yatch club.. oh did i mention be4 i wanna get a power boat license??? cost is abt $400.. gonna start work and aim towards there for wanna try jet ski, and driving a yatch!! :) a dream..............
alright actually dun really intend to cont posting for really feel quite bored by it... well.. after attending the mgs by mrs koh last last sat i suppose, was inspire by what she shared! wow... mrs koh if u see this post, thanks for that inspiration, since u like blog hopping... :)
this few months had been a hectic ones for me.. assignment due dates, mid term tests.. it was rather stressful that guess a little bit more i will be overhelmed by it and broke down.. too stressful... glad all is over soon!! :) yeah! thank God for journeying with me.. i knew it!
this few months also had been spending time with my 02S21 classmates.. remember those times in tpjc, was so memorable! really glad to be hanging out with them again... it was all these gathering that really made me realised to cherish ppl ard u.. just like how i reminise the JC times, it was over.. but glad the class spirit is still standing strong.. felt much "bond-er" among us.. really thanks those who came to make this possible.. also must thank Tay for the effort in organising though i think got ulterior motives too! haha.. last meeting i proposed a night cycling.. and the response was soooo good! was rather afraid they will say no.. think our spirits towards sports is still there!!! :) hope it come soon! :)
going to YA retreat over this weekend, was approached to lead worship... hmmm nv done it in church before! anyway zibin only gave me 3 choices - 1) lead worship, 2) play guitar, 3) lead worship and play guitar... hmmm wad a funny choice la.. so i chose 1... keep me in prayers ya.. esp wisdom to chose the songs and a good vocal condition to sing! :) will be at SAF yatch club.. oh did i mention be4 i wanna get a power boat license??? cost is abt $400.. gonna start work and aim towards there for wanna try jet ski, and driving a yatch!! :) a dream..............
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
juat e begin of this week, received 2 sad news...
uncle robert passed away on mon night, remember e last when i saw him was in church, not very close to him but was very touched by him. saw him in church camp on his wheel chair. looking weak and tire, he still turn up for camp and sessions. really can feel the love he has for the Lord. went to his wake today, and heard lots of interesting stuff from uncle richard. he is planning on a trip to chiangmai to do missoion work, he thot of an orphanage there, and while listening, someone said i went so i told him i went to Rainbow Convenant Home, and guess wad, he knew Joseph and Rowena, aint sure if he is going there but he seems interested and joking said he will count me in.. i hope to go back too!hopefully he is going back end yr..
next when i reached home, heard from my bro that my cousin's grandma passed away. another sad news...
sometimes hearing this kinda news cant help but be very upset, looking at my cousins, reminded me of when my grandpa passed away 6th apr 1999, i can still remember the date and all... it taught me to treasure ppl around me.. one thing i thank God for is the relationship i have with my relatives. it is not easy to maintain it for everyone has their own lives to lead. we grab hold of the chances we had together, updating one another and having a great laugh. think the same thing should apply to frens.. recently have been meeting up with my JC classmates.. brings back alot of memories...
ok, sounded so sadist in e post.. hee... just some thots...
had a great laugh at zhiwei and yuan wei abt their DJs prog.. haha... it was really funny... mom and bro had a laugh too.. mom praised zhiwei's courage to sing regardless of ppl's comments.. haha... :) anyway sch starting soon, cya all soon in sch... esp in Tay's library.. haha...
going to nat camp soon.. not very looking forward honestly... well, like wad i told others, shall put e best forward.. thanks for all the encouragements... today when met up with pork, realised coy F put in so much more efforts then her's la, coy E.. haha... ok, a plus point to spur me... :)
uncle robert passed away on mon night, remember e last when i saw him was in church, not very close to him but was very touched by him. saw him in church camp on his wheel chair. looking weak and tire, he still turn up for camp and sessions. really can feel the love he has for the Lord. went to his wake today, and heard lots of interesting stuff from uncle richard. he is planning on a trip to chiangmai to do missoion work, he thot of an orphanage there, and while listening, someone said i went so i told him i went to Rainbow Convenant Home, and guess wad, he knew Joseph and Rowena, aint sure if he is going there but he seems interested and joking said he will count me in.. i hope to go back too!hopefully he is going back end yr..
next when i reached home, heard from my bro that my cousin's grandma passed away. another sad news...
sometimes hearing this kinda news cant help but be very upset, looking at my cousins, reminded me of when my grandpa passed away 6th apr 1999, i can still remember the date and all... it taught me to treasure ppl around me.. one thing i thank God for is the relationship i have with my relatives. it is not easy to maintain it for everyone has their own lives to lead. we grab hold of the chances we had together, updating one another and having a great laugh. think the same thing should apply to frens.. recently have been meeting up with my JC classmates.. brings back alot of memories...
ok, sounded so sadist in e post.. hee... just some thots...
had a great laugh at zhiwei and yuan wei abt their DJs prog.. haha... it was really funny... mom and bro had a laugh too.. mom praised zhiwei's courage to sing regardless of ppl's comments.. haha... :) anyway sch starting soon, cya all soon in sch... esp in Tay's library.. haha...
going to nat camp soon.. not very looking forward honestly... well, like wad i told others, shall put e best forward.. thanks for all the encouragements... today when met up with pork, realised coy F put in so much more efforts then her's la, coy E.. haha... ok, a plus point to spur me... :)
Thursday, June 29, 2006
so long hasnt been blogging...
my birthday was well spent.. haha... had a great time at the beach in the morning with the Lord!
followed on a dinner with elaine, hui wen and jocelyn at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant! haha... had what i have been craving for, CRABS! spent $92.. wow!of cos not to mention, the wonderful SURPRISE i had from the Drill Com! haha.. so unexpected!!!! thanks sok, yaw ling, MengRu, Joey and AI AI! :) went out supper with them on the eve of bade!
AND! i received a present from AUSTRALIA! haha from ELISA ARUMUGAM! is really a nice surprise! thanks so much butcher.. reaally touched.. and ya la.. missed ya so much!!!!
followed on Saturday met up with 02S21 classmates!! haven seen them for some time... really nice to meet the usual funny JCmates. we went crystal jade for dinner... great recommendations, the noodles is nice... next stop was eski bar.. i really love e concept of making the place frizzy cold, and providing jackets, nice idea there... will get photos from zhiwei to post here soon.. :)
this month i tried to tie my sales for the month by MYSELF!!! wow, and seriously is by MYSELF! i really dunno what the new perm is doing.. she has been here for abt a month, she had also tried closing sales etc last month, being a new perm, shouldnt u be trying to learn to be more familiar and do it by yourself??? i m leaving at the end of july.. really dunno how is she gonna survive... well... i m of cos happy i m able to close the sales since i dun have much exp..
just unhappy that certain things my new perm has not gotten on hand but yet she didnt take e initiative to do it... she had exp from a previous company but to me she dun even know what the priorties that she got to do.. what the....................................... hai... is really not abt myself la.. but i just got very pissed looking at how she do things... URGH!
over e weekend, went with my aunty and family to view cars showroom... wonder will mine be coming... hahaha..... *eyeing*
my birthday was well spent.. haha... had a great time at the beach in the morning with the Lord!
followed on a dinner with elaine, hui wen and jocelyn at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant! haha... had what i have been craving for, CRABS! spent $92.. wow!of cos not to mention, the wonderful SURPRISE i had from the Drill Com! haha.. so unexpected!!!! thanks sok, yaw ling, MengRu, Joey and AI AI! :) went out supper with them on the eve of bade!
AND! i received a present from AUSTRALIA! haha from ELISA ARUMUGAM! is really a nice surprise! thanks so much butcher.. reaally touched.. and ya la.. missed ya so much!!!!
followed on Saturday met up with 02S21 classmates!! haven seen them for some time... really nice to meet the usual funny JCmates. we went crystal jade for dinner... great recommendations, the noodles is nice... next stop was eski bar.. i really love e concept of making the place frizzy cold, and providing jackets, nice idea there... will get photos from zhiwei to post here soon.. :)
this month i tried to tie my sales for the month by MYSELF!!! wow, and seriously is by MYSELF! i really dunno what the new perm is doing.. she has been here for abt a month, she had also tried closing sales etc last month, being a new perm, shouldnt u be trying to learn to be more familiar and do it by yourself??? i m leaving at the end of july.. really dunno how is she gonna survive... well... i m of cos happy i m able to close the sales since i dun have much exp..
just unhappy that certain things my new perm has not gotten on hand but yet she didnt take e initiative to do it... she had exp from a previous company but to me she dun even know what the priorties that she got to do.. what the....................................... hai... is really not abt myself la.. but i just got very pissed looking at how she do things... URGH!
over e weekend, went with my aunty and family to view cars showroom... wonder will mine be coming... hahaha..... *eyeing*
Sunday, June 11, 2006
had a bdae celebrati0ns at my hse last night.. :) well.. turning 21st soon...
THANKS to those who were there! and the gifts too.. though some couldn't make it.. is okie.. :)
had alot of gifts, well... i really meant ALOT! my gifts for 21st bdae is so much that parent had a shock the total amt i received from my red pkts! well.. THANKS to my relatives for their generous gift! it covered my everything for this bdae and a little for myself.. :) i was expecting someone to give me a bottle of wine, and i was right! thanks ah elaine.. i knew it la but nv expect from u.. :)
exams result out on the 6/06/06.. haha... wad a day.. anyway managed to clear all though not up to expectations.. really thanks those who asked me, showed ya concern! i really appreciated that.. next sem gonna work hard le.. hai... (anyone study tog k.. *elaine & liting too!!! ) :)
just now went to the optician to get my eyes checked! apparently when i drive with contacts on, the signs/ car plates seems blur to me.. and it gets really frustrating when u r trying to make out the sign boards, so decided to get this treated soon.. well.. spent some time there, 1st optician said my case is weird, cos my degree didnt increase or decrease, but yet with lenses is just CMI, he approached a senior optician who did a test again and well.. the conclusion is MY LEFT EYE!!! for those who know, i only wear lens on my right, but well optician says i m sensitive to the change, i feel that too, a 25degree short can make me very frustrated.. so now i got to wear lenses on both eyes! hopefully this time round is better. and 25degree lenses is like not common la, only like one brand in the shop that has and i got to order since they dun usually order 25deg. opticians said my case is weird! haha.. ya i also think so... let see dad still wanna send me for lasik.. haha... was checking this webby and saw the process how it is been done... it gives me second thots.. haha...
alright.. wanan rest le... got to work tml..
THANKS to those who were there! and the gifts too.. though some couldn't make it.. is okie.. :)
had alot of gifts, well... i really meant ALOT! my gifts for 21st bdae is so much that parent had a shock the total amt i received from my red pkts! well.. THANKS to my relatives for their generous gift! it covered my everything for this bdae and a little for myself.. :) i was expecting someone to give me a bottle of wine, and i was right! thanks ah elaine.. i knew it la but nv expect from u.. :)
lazy to post my bdae pics so will post next time..
exams result out on the 6/06/06.. haha... wad a day.. anyway managed to clear all though not up to expectations.. really thanks those who asked me, showed ya concern! i really appreciated that.. next sem gonna work hard le.. hai... (anyone study tog k.. *elaine & liting too!!! ) :)
just now went to the optician to get my eyes checked! apparently when i drive with contacts on, the signs/ car plates seems blur to me.. and it gets really frustrating when u r trying to make out the sign boards, so decided to get this treated soon.. well.. spent some time there, 1st optician said my case is weird, cos my degree didnt increase or decrease, but yet with lenses is just CMI, he approached a senior optician who did a test again and well.. the conclusion is MY LEFT EYE!!! for those who know, i only wear lens on my right, but well optician says i m sensitive to the change, i feel that too, a 25degree short can make me very frustrated.. so now i got to wear lenses on both eyes! hopefully this time round is better. and 25degree lenses is like not common la, only like one brand in the shop that has and i got to order since they dun usually order 25deg. opticians said my case is weird! haha.. ya i also think so... let see dad still wanna send me for lasik.. haha... was checking this webby and saw the process how it is been done... it gives me second thots.. haha...
alright.. wanan rest le... got to work tml..
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