Friday, December 28, 2007
first and foremost, there are a few major transitions this year!
-getting into the working society and schling @ the same time.
-moving into a new e-grp
-moving out from 34th
okie, this year a few major incidences too! (:
shall begin how my thoughts bring me k...
I thank God for...
His protection! most of those i meet every week should know about the fall i have in May.
ppl that saw and even doctor himself, commented i am very fortunate, for it is less than a cm or 2 to reach my right eye. i call this 'blessing'. for those who didnt know, my right eye is very precious for it is my most powerful eye, thus i have a sypmtom - left eye is perfect eyesight, right eye is 3.25 deg. see, how precise is my Lord that save my right eye! (:
His faithfulness! be it at work or doing ministry work, i thank Him for being there and holding me on to complete the task given to me. starting to work wasnt easy, especially when i made mistakes and feeling low and down, but i recover fast! thanks to His faithfulness. the verses that i always have with me during those times are Heb 13:5b, Pslam 121:1-2, Col 3:23-24.
His blessing! as i looked back, God blessed me richly... with a new grp, He blessed me with a renewed passion in His word, a strengthened faith, and a heart on fire for Him (hearts on fire is my ex-youth grp!). the ppl in the e-grp had been a great support too! learning from one another and to be prayfully remembering each other. each and everyone in the e-grp had blessed me in their ways and truely i appreciated that! *from the bottom of my heart*
people tat God helped me to know better have been a great blessing too! (hmmm too many to name)
the only 2 that i have not thank are ELISA and LITING! haha... you both have been a great blessing since we knew each other. thanks for seeing through my ups and downs, my struggles, my happiness, and of cos for being there physically(or just ur ears) when i needed someone. (yeah eli, ur freq call back from aus) glad to know ppl like you both whom i can call into the wee hours! (: and how we can understand one another even without communicating.. simply much much appreciated! three cheers! multi cheers!!!
the last few days towards end of 07 had been a challenge for me. speaking to ms gan abt my leaving from 34th and sharing with her my passion of service wasnt an easy task for me, i struggled and i prayed. Thank God for the wonderful sharing we had. For the understanding, and for the blessing she gave. it was really peace in my heart when i have finally settled and shared my decision with her.
God's timing is always so perfect. coming back to church after i met ms gan, su-lynn approached me to lead a bs grp. without taking time to consider, i agreed! i felt wonderful to be able to share my faith with ppl. After i made that decision, into the night, fear creeped all over me la! hmmm... thanks to law and cousin though, for the encouragement. you both have been so supporting and ever having that confidence in me... (maybe is just i dun have in myself) (:
but sunday worship and message left a big impact on me. it spoke so real to me, that i nearly broke into tears! but i truely felt God's faithfulness and His promise to be there with me in all circumstances. so now, i am anticipating with excitment. (also cos i know, there are ppl ard helping me! HOR???? *arrowing those i shared this with*) haha...
so far, this should round up my thanksgiving to God this year. i pray for a great yr ahead for all, and for all to experience Him deeper and to taste His wonderful love! (:
Here we stand
At a crossroads again
Like you said
In time the seasons change
Looking back
We recall the blessing and the pain
But now we turn our hearts toward
What is still to come
We want to dream again
Lead us Lord
Into a life of fruitfulness
Prepare our hearts to risk again
As we trust
Taking simple steps of obedience we know
That you will lead us Lord
this song has been constantly on my mind as i thought of the many thanksgiving i have.
went mind cafe with the drill comm ppl, there's always so much fun meeting them,
though i was tired and abit reluctant to meet. glad i went (:
and yesterday, yawling replied to my email verbally.
as she announced, as of 1/1/08, i will be taking over her role as a chairman.
fear overwhelmed me when the conversation cont. hmmm... i am still feeling it now though..
mengru said it will be a good learning platform for me to speak/work at national level,
i also thought the experience of working with more and different ppl is good.
to speak at national level, think i will just freak out! oops...
(i also shared with the group that, in fact i am considering other areas of service too, running abit dry in Gb for the past decade i guess, thought of doing something more different. since i made my decision, shall take this 2 yrs as an experience and also to open my eyes to see the areas of service, since i will be officially out of 34th next yr) - where else can i serve?
always love sweet messages by Joey.
thanks for the encouragements and ur assurance of my great potential.. (:
i don't have any great potential, just doing the task given to the best i could.
and last night, i did up my thanksgiving....
gosh so long list!!! if i were to be like lawrence to list the ppl, it will be a really long list!
but as i recall the major incidents/phrases of this year,
i truely thank God for His protection, His blessing, and His grace.
shall post it later... (: is really a long list!!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas has been a busy period for me usually..
even more so this year, since i started working and with the deadlines to meet.
looking back this year, i looked at it with a smile.
sometimes i really thank God for moulding me the way He did.
it does dawn upon me if naturally i am too cheerful (or simply put it i dont care?),
struggles(esp in work) became rather easy for me to handle.
(maybe like what others say, simple faith)
on the 2nd day of the kaleo camp,
i learn that i cannot take all modules in the last sem,
which means i will drag my studies by half a yr.
honestly, i was bothered initially, (heh, who wont!) haha..
but this didnt cloud my mind though.
the whole day my mind was on the worship that i am going to lead.
so whole day, my heart and my mind were singing! (:
(isn't it wonderful to be singing praises whole day!)
thinking back, all this donest matter to me i guess.
the verse that i have been holding on is Col 3:23-24.
this week, gonna share thanksgiving for e-grp.
so many things to thank God for, even little things like sending a cab when i needed it badly! (:
haven consolidate much.. will do so soon..
this song has been in my mind the very 1st day i started planning for worship...
even till now.. (:
The splendor of a King, Clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice,
All the earth rejoice
He wraps himself in light,
And darkness tries to hide
And trembles at his voice,
And trembles at his voice
How great is our God,
sing with me
How great is our God,
and all who sing How great, How great
Is our God
Age to age he stands
And time is in His Hands
Beginning and the End,
Beginning and the End
The Godhead, Three in one
Father, Spirit, Son
The Lion and the Lamb,
The Lion and the Lamb
How great is our God,
sing with me
How great is our God,
and all who singHow great, How great
Is our God
Name above all names
You are Worthy of all praise
and My heart will sing how great
Is our God
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Daddy has a new-found-young bowler fren! haha... he is working in Apple..
i asked Dad to find out if any staff price for this and i will grab it (or rather get Dad to get it). Dad asked.. guess what? the bowler fren said is not worth it! *heh?* he recommended i-phone (which he is using) to my dad, & offered to obtain one for me, if i am keen.
Sorry, i am not interested in that for now...
Monday, October 22, 2007
You Are An ENFJ |
![]() The Giver You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed.Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections.Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down.You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine. In love, you are very protective and supporting.However, you do need to "feel special" - and it's quite easy for you to get jealous. At work, you are a natural leader. You can help people discover their greatest potential.You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist. How you see yourself: Trusting, idealistic, and expressive
Monday, October 08, 2007
indeed, only when i got there, then i appreciate its beauty... (:
Some photos taken from daniel...
at the entrance... justin, mag, cousin, me and daniel

inside the lift.. so exciting...

upon arriving... look at the wide corridors! wait till you see the room... (:

welcome by the big entrance!

abit small the pics but the room is really big with 2 king size beds! you can really roll from one end to the other, both boo and ali did somersaults inside.. i think at least 2...

the retreat was a time of being intimate with God once again despite the mnay tight schdeules... and i am glad i went! we had a 3 hrs of ETWG, my first time doing it for so long! e most i took was abt an hr or slightly more...
besides simply ETWG, we played BANG! the ultimate game of the retreat... why we are hooked? i also dunno... (: i think most importantly is the ppl playing with too!
so big is the room that it holds 2 grps playing bang... the focus of this photo is actually on boo posing with her 'gun'. all with different reactions, my cousin (on my left) thot is a grp photo, ali beside boo was scratching, thinking who is who in the game, ter with the extremem cant be bothered with us face.
alright that's all... i thank God for allowing this trip with 4 cars going up to AH & Jusco. and of cos the journey mercies, my car got lost and there were only 4 of us... phew, we got it there still.. (: quite exciting afterall...
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Suntec office had a fire drill......
out of 20+ people in the office, only abt less than 10 participated in this fire drill.... being new, i went down with some new staffs and others. bear in mind, my office is at tower 3, level 33!
we had to climb the level of stairs down... 33 floors to climb.. not easy....
i suffered the side effect for the next few days.. walked like a robort, even when i cross legged, my muscle hurts! oh man....
what a fire drill... count me out next yr! unless u let me take lift down. (:
Monday, August 13, 2007
Went to watch with laine and wen, gosh!
think they were bombarded by me! haha... actually, sometimes i suspect is my comprehensive skills so bad? (: asked alot of qns abt Secrets after we came out from cinema...
Jay is so 'cool' in the movie.. i simply love it when he is on the piano... i nv find him attractive, wasnt so into him (not that i am now), but the way he is on the piano in the show is simply beyond my description.
discussed with them abt the show, and realised i asked alot of qns pertaining it. after bro watched, discussed with him and found something new! wow... so amazing, it is just a movie and i am reading so much into the details, reading it like a book.. haha.. it was nice seriously. think need appreciative ppl to truely understand the movie. (: like me! (:
will be going AGAIN to watch Secrets with my darling yuxin. (: nv once i watched a movie twice, but this is really nice i guess.. (: guess she will agree with me...
going back to work tml... so fast... the 4 long days of break seems so short.... (:
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
esther + me, playing with yw's ssunglass... & below a dish we had for dinner... dinner was much better.. (: @ a restaurant @ chinatown...

Friday, January 12, 2007
being e 4th day as a VT, things r picking up.. today touched on P&L,B/S.. and trying to do reasonableness test.. studied be4 but nv perform be4.. it is quite difficult cos i stucked at it for hours! right...
today stayed with the other auditors since i have no class.. initially i thot it will only be till abt 10pm e most. to my amazement, they stayed till 12am!!! one even suggested camping over! but they are nice, if they r camping, they will sent me home first.. (: in e end, they didnt cos tml they have another marathon to run... reached home @ abt 1245am... can fight with liting le.. :D
supposed to meet up with shuting and sheena.. really sorry in e end didnt... quite diff to get away esp when EY partner was here.. he is nice, treated us to SAFYC(SAF Yatch CLub) for lunch, and Mac for dinner.. arranged to meet shuting and sheena again on sat! phew mine is 5 days work.. :D guess that's all for now...
Thursday, January 11, 2007
today woke up only at 805am!!! got awoken by a very bad nightmare... ):
anyway i realised it was really late.. thank God my senior smsed me if i m on my way to office.. well, she stayed in kembangan so she took a cab down and picked me, then we headed towards SMOE(sembawang shipyard). btw everyday my trip to SMOE is by cab.. cos can claim..
i think auditing is a job that i think i may want to pick up.. (: i like e job scope.. maybe some can say only for now, but there is an assurance in me that i nv felt be4.. well.. maybe is not wad is for me.. still early to speak..
haha.. today did alittle more higher stuff compared to 1st 2 days of vouching amt. was gven a task by senior to enquire e accounts clerk abt why the Trade Creditors acc reduced by so much and to ask abt certain other issues as well as to check some supporting documents. i was,of cos NERVOUS! cos not sure if i asked the right way and the right thing. well, usually accounts clerk dun like auditors cos they find them like some "sharks", chasing after them for this and that, usually at the wrong time.
today this lady i approached, i was scared of her.. i think she was scared of me.. haha.. but well we treated each other very nicely.. she received 2 calls and she told the caller that she will call back cos the AUDITOR (me) was with her.. hee... cos 1st time someone call me an auditor, felt very shuang.. haha... told yuxin, she laughed at me! everyone got his first time k... @least told elisa, she only laughed but not at me! (:
then had lesson today.. always look forward to going lesson with yuxin, cos she will just made me laughed my head off at her sometimes, well i do make her laugh too k! (: haha my darling..
Monday, January 08, 2007
it was really cool when i went up to the office, guess cos it is a new building that i went to. i belong to F21, Team 3. (seems like 21 is my no, TPJC class was 02S21 and i m still 21 yrs old!)
every full time auditor with them received a pencil case filled with all kinds of stationery, a calculator, a working bag and a laptop. for us, interns, only the pencil case and cal. not bad though.. seems professional..
when i entered the office full of auditors, they sort of emitted a sense of "PRO-NESS".. really a kind of charisma... WOW!
the auditors dunch have fixed tables so what they do is, there is a lot of open spaces filled with tables and chairs, so each team will just gather ard and discuss etc... (look like a canteen sort but of cos is not benches, is long comp tables and office chairs).
then after 2 hrs of all the waiting and admin and intro, i went off with a senior to SMOE, at sembawang. and begins a small part of my life as an auditor... (:
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
AND.... today is Dad's bdae! Happy Birthday!
oh.. i have uploaded my photos(taiwan), better than uploading here..
here's e link:
Wishing all A blessed New Year! All the best in my friends' undertakings!