Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Dedicated to Ms Kelly Ker!
yeah!! Kelly is getting married! (:
(shall announce it for her!)
so sweet of yk to plan it so well for her..
first he tricked her into knocking off on time, then bringing her to sentosa..
as it is still early, they decided to take a stroll at the beach (:
and yk bought her favourite anges b bag (sweet)
*most impt* there is a card in the bag which he drew (a boy and a girl)
and TADA!!! he proposed on 16th June 2008!
then it ends off with a nice meal...... (: Barnacles Restaurant
after which, they proceed to music fountain (so romantic!!!)
but...they met a smoker who caused air pollution.. oops.... (okie this is a spoiler)
then... it all end off with them going back to yk's hse @ simei...
(congrats yk and kk!)
-end of story-
i have volunteered nicely to be the wedding planner... together with the whole finance and HR team as well!
she should be touched!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
felt better after praying..
i wonder if this is the one for me...
i think i cannot live up to the expectation, and eventually i will see more disappointed faces.
i cannot find the motivation..
and sch is starting next week... oh man, i wanna whine again...
guess i need a good break... need a nice ice cream!! (today is tue - well i always missed it)
Saturday, June 21, 2008
so nice of her to travel down and had a good time catching up with her...
though knew abt certain news from her, but i believe it is all well in God's hand yeah... trust Him!
then had supper with cousin, law, mag and weilun..
went to a new HK cafe @ east coast... i think i will prefer siglap's... (:
it was a nice chat together, but poor lawrence is sick again... aiyo....
pls take good care of yourself and get well soon!!
praying for ya..
had a niceee cake from awefully chocolate today from drill comm.. so sweet (both the ppl and the cake), really love it. the very thought that they were ready to sing me a birthday song when i was @ church camp warmth my heart! only to find that i off my phone to preserve the battery. so sweet of u all... (:
*finally i saw su-lynn's video!!! oh man.... tat was hilarious....
Thursday, June 19, 2008
guess no regrets for attending this camp, some take away for me...
i have nv knew how hurtful it can be to see ppl falling away from God when we have been journeying together, now i know. this reminded me of the 5 most beloved ppl that i have written on the card some time back, i thank the Lord for in it i wrote the names of 2 close frens of mine and 1 came back in the arms of God. (: i wouldnt wish to see frens ard me leaving the warm embrace of His, all i can do is to pray for them.
i also asked myself will i still be walking side by side with Him 10/20 years down the road?
no one can predicts... will i persevere? i really dunch know.. but one thing i know now is that He is still the Lordship of my life, of my heart. it also let me see church in a different light.. not negative but just a different perspective.
actually felt really bad during the camp.. felt so unprepared but yeah.. God has really been faithful...
had a wonderful birthday spent in camp (: thanks all for the cake and surprises... bet the whole level knew it was my birthday (: the cake was nice.. and the surprise really came as a surprise..
haha.. special abt this year's birthday lies in the cake! had 3 cakes this yr with 3 different candles on it. one had 25 (@ work), one had 24 (with JC classmates), yeah and had 20 for church camp, so average is 23.. whoa.. diaoz... but this 'mistakes' made this year's birthday special for me. will remember it! haha...
camp was really relaxing and a good thing to take me away from work for a while.. this awhile made me dun feel like going back to work anymore... sianz.. haha... (: but well life goes on but with a different energy to fight the battle (:
Thursday, June 12, 2008
anyway yesterday had a celebration for my bdae @ work, it started all wrongly from the beginning with 25 candles!!!! haa... received a nice bag and a really lovely card! i do love cards!! guess cos it is something personal and i enjoy reading every word written in it, aint them meaningful (i kept all my letters and cards btw)? so, i love cards! (elisa, are u sending me one from aus? must be made in aus!)
taken some pictures @ the balcony! oooo... the scenery is soo beautiful, but of cos it cannot beat the night view.. the night view is def nicer! the office was filled with so much laughters viewing the picutres, shall select only the nicest ones... thanks so much for that! I wont remember having 25 candles on my cake okie… haaa!
alright, lazy to blog more pictures cos i have to wait for a long time..... (:
anyway i thank God for a wonderful working environment i am in and i do certainly hope i can be a salt and light to Him here. (:
updates on past weeks...
attended anna's wake on the last night. there were sharing of her lives. it came upon me that little things that we do can touch ppl's heart. i wonder if i have done enough little things as a form of outreach to christians and non christians alike.
also shared with cousin how i told my sis i wanted my funeral to be like. (: and maybe can paste those cards i received haa... i will like the walls to be filled with messages from friends!! (:
and my phone finally died on me... it is a mute phone now! i cant hear anything, is time to get a new one.. so no calls at the moment but i can sms.. (:
alright... back to work.... though boss is not ard.....