i love this song, as i came across this. (:
i thought the lyrics to be rather meaningful, it touches my heart as i recalled the journey 2 of us took.. and when love is found....
When Love is found and hope comes home,
sing and be glad that two are one.
When love explodes and fills the sky,
praise God and share our Makers joy.
When love has flowered in trust and care
build both each day, that love may dare
To reach beyond homes warmth and light
to serve and strive for truth and right.
When love is tried as loved ones change,
hold still to hope though all seems strange,
Till ease returns and love grows wise
through listening ears and opened eyes.
When love is torn and trust betrayed,
pray strength to love till torments fade,
Till lovers keep no score of wrong,
but hear through pain loves Easter song
Praise God for love, praise God for life
in age or youth, in husband, wife.
Lift up your heart let love be fed
through death and life in broken bread.
love u!
the past few days hasnt been easy for me i guess. praying that things will change for the better. and hope that God will continue to be the centre and blessing our lives.
i left Job for a while! time to get back on it! is always a joy to be reading and meditating His Word, aint it? was encouraged by a friend's reflection this morning! Thank God for such a morning! (: