Sunday, October 20, 2013

How mean can it be

A business "partner". How nice to use a term like this to hide a mistress. Is sad to keep hearing such stories. If u had known a wife who is kept in a the dark of the husband's business "partner" and yet the whole grp kept quiet abt it, how sad it is? Period. Disgust me. Such a whore "partner" and a jerk. 

What I pity most is the wife and the sons she bore. Being kept in the dark. How abt switching position with the woman out to play? Imagine having the sons grow up knowing what kind of a father they have. Why can't man be responsible for his own doing. Seriously, is maddening just to hear it! So what even if I can say all this, she isn't my friend. If she is, I sure to expose him in front of the wife and perhaps give the "partner" a tight slap for being a sucker. Yea perhaps she enjoys *sucking*, what a whore! 

Realized am getting super vulgar and especially toward women and men who are home wrecker. If you think ur heart cannot stay with one, don't settle down. It just hurt many hearts. If u didn't think then is just too bad, u are just such a bad planner. Period. WTS. Seriously how I wish I can expose him. So what if u are rich, it doesn't give u right to do it.  

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