Wednesday, April 12, 2006

i realised how hard it is when u try to tell ur friend when they are wrong... not trying to judge here.... shan talk much... is sad to be misunderstood.... getting over soon i hope.....

over the weekend was great i would say... went back to GB, see all the familiar faces once again... haha, not back for 3 mths! wow!! really thanks Ms Lum for the prayers, my heart calmed down and not so jittery and stresed up over exams.. well thank God for that! :)

dates for retreat and fireflies trip are out.. oh dear clashed with so many things!!! well.. very touch that jac, liting and huiwen willingly to give up retreat if my bdae celebration falls on that day!!! aw... so touched!!! haha.. (thanks piglet! muacks! thanks mousey! muacks! thanks owner! muacks!)

on sunday supposed to bring yuxin and bryan to my church.. well.................. someone overslept.. muahhaa, only bryan came! well, guess he felt awkward initially! haha, but at least he get to see baptism and found his fren!! (eh a long lost friend??? not really long i guess since is from army days!) so qiao! :) inviting them again for easter sunday! :) *yuxin pls set more alarm this time round!!!!

counting down to exams!!!! 3 more weeks!!!!!! or rather 2.... since this week is ending!!! goodness...studied till 4 am last night and got to go to work today.... still manageble so far! :)

had a chat over msn with sokling just now... really thanks for the advice u had.. indeed u spoke wad i felt... :) haha... hey allways talk to u ah, will have many thots and will feel somehow seeing a clearer pics and things are not difficult afterall! thanks for the many advice! really glad for a fren like sok!!! :) thanks for ya concern too! haha.. dun need me to say u also know, well, just keep me in ya prayers k.. :) will be grateful!

Mabel!!! jia you for tml's paper!!!! :)
pls pray for mabel taking her first paper tml!!! Principles and method of Bio-Phy!!! dunno also can pray right?? :) xie xie...


me said...

no longer "enemies" leh! hahahha - monster ru

j_asmine said...

hmmmz.. something happen? ai ai.. must jia you with your revision okie~! =) hugz..

Unknown said...

thanks! :) jas, jia you too! both of ya miss me! :) haha... e blogs r just fa lao shao... :)