Wednesday, April 19, 2006

back again!

watched "the art of seduction" on tue, it was really a funny show! really glad we caught it in time! went to cathay cineplex, wow! that was my reaction when i enter. it is currently still under renovation with no shops at all except the cinemas on the 5th and 6th level. just this alone, it was so cool and great man.. after getting e tix, me and aud headed for e cinema, cos we were late! no cos either me or her was late, but cos we both shopped till we forgot the timing. well, the shopping spree was only a while! like 2 hrs???? yeah...

reaching the 6th level- where cinemas many threates! haha... well... will make it currently my first choice place to watch movie!!! :) simply awesome... the seats were so comfortable too! haha... right... should really thank aud's mom for e tix, e show only screen at cathay since a korean show, and aud's mom has vouchers, so sorta watched it for free! :)

upon leaving, waiting at the bus stop for 14... suddenly.........................

this ah pek who was sitting down, stood up! he pull up his shirt, i was thinking, "ah pek, why u showing ur tummy! aiyo, so big!!!!" then the belt started to came loose, "ah pek, u taking off ur pants??????" then the pants got lossen!(i was behind him). oh dear.... next moment, i saw his BUTT!! well, waring a white with blue stripe underwear, cant help it, so obvious! he was happily tucking in his shirt in public, at least i saw e back view, a lady who walked up happen to see e front view! haha, she immediately changed face and turn away! :) goodness..... and thanks to aud, after standing for sometime decided to take mrt! if said earlier, we wont get to watch this free show loh...

after that met ms lee(sze sze) for dinner... had a great time chatting with her... not long after sh arrived, as we talked, she asked me abt baptism... hmmmmm... told her when the bulletin came out regarding baptism class for the coming easter, i want to go... but dad disapproved... everytime when church open baptism classes, i have been asking myself whether i want to take this step of faith... been thinking for a few yrs le... but dad dun allow so cont to pray!!! :)

over the weekend, on sat, went to St Andrew's community hospital... it was a nice experience to me... since i have been through a lot of com serv since sec 1... i partner with sherwin and eileen... well... felt like i had brought 2 body guards with me!!! and i was e only one doing the talking and they laughing! i spoke in chinese, eng, hokkien.. haa... cantonese cant flow very easily la, i only beginning to learn! :) had a great time for my group i can say... they love the singing and the interaction..

after SACH had e usual announcement... poor piglet ah.... :) dun worry, anything can call me up... cant talk long but at least u get off ya chest! :) after 9th may! haha... my last paper, can havoc! 20th may going to firefly park, haha... mom has been planning but cant get enough ppl to go.. ask if she wanna follow us, she rejected me...

ma gan invited my mom to easter concert at expo by CHC... saw e advs, looks quite interesting... however, mom was quite reluctant to go esp when hse is still very messy since under renovation... but, one great thing is she was more willing to go compared to the previous times i invited her!!!!

last sunday, i rededicated my life to God! AMEN! i cannot feel the pain Jesus went through for us, but i know it is the ultimate.. Pastor on good friday did an exercise with us.. everyone above 12 who enter the church will be given a nail.. in his exercise he told us to look at it and reflect... smell it... observe it.... place it on ur palm(actual position on Jesus hand is wrist), just to feel e pain the pointed nail give... it is pain we experiencing la... though not poke through and see blood... but imagine it going through our Lord's wrist! it is ultimate! yup... this really makes me ponder and ponder..... and yup.... :)

alright back to books... exams is coming... am really getting e gitters.... :)


audrey said...


audrey said...

u still remember the colour of the ah pek's underwear! its not white and blue stripes lor, its completely white with blue band!!!

loisa said...

goodness after watching "art of seduction"you kena seduced by the cute ah pek.. he sounds cute...

what IS art of seduction about anyway? why would you and aud want to seduce people?

quick! seduce me!

okay obviously i'm feeling a little lame now... hungry i think... =)

tay zhi wei said...

omg. u've met a flasher.